I act and make theatre.

The year is 1987 and Brandi's back from a long hiatus, eager to greet her fans and dish out the secret to her success: she got raped! Finally!
Practically speaking, Brandi Alexander is part spoken word, part stand-up gone radically wrong. Brandi Alexander is an assault on rape and a cry for righteous anger as it demands to have the word rape horrify once again, instead of lull us back to the everyday. It allows space for a woman's rage, instead of asking her to forgive. It demonstrates what it might mean to have a woman playing a man's game. And it explores how so much anger might be necessary to get to the laughter, or vice versa.
Available for touring. Show kit here
Production & Development History
Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Gilded Balloon), Edinburgh UK, August 2019
The Juilliard School, New York NY, April 2019
Bryant Lake Bowl, Minneapolis MN, Winter 2019
Louisville Fringe Festival, Louisville KY July 2018
Love City Love, Seattle WA, May 2018
Recipient of 2017 Artist Trust GAP Award, Seattle WA
El Diablo is a solo show for a woman on the run, for a woman who has killed her husband when she was just trying to change her silly little self. It's a prayer from someone who has given up on God and is looking for a last resort. It's an open call for a bad southern accent, a great vintage dress and an opportunity to use whiskey as holy water.
Development History
Velocity Sh*t Gold Deep End, Seattle WA 2016

A two-person comedy about women, food, breakups and booze.
Written & Performed by Paige Collette and Tatiana Pavela
People's Center Theater, Minneapolis MN, July 2011
Dixon Place, New York NY, November 2009
Development excerpts performed at:
Jimmy's No. 43, NYC, June 2011
Four Humors' First Thursday, Minneapolis, June 2011
Tarnish & Gold, Minneapolis, April 2011
Brooklyn Review release party, Jimmy's No. 43, NYC, June 2009
Hearth Gods at Jimmy's No. 43, NYC, March 2009
CATCH Series at Starr Space, Brooklyn, December 2008
Dixon Place, A Little Taste of Paradise, NYC, September 2008
Excerpt published by "The Brooklyn Review", June 2009
Buttercream & Scotch was also produced by Rogue Productions. Director, Jordyn Coleman, Tallahassee, FL 2016.
Twin Cities Daily Planet Article